
Battery powered flights from Washington DC to LA. No longer a pipe dream?

Just Have a Think with Dave Borlace
Battery technology is developing at breathtaking speed all over the world, but China still leads the way. Now they’ve created batteries with such high energy density that they’re using them to develop a commercial aircraft with a range of 2,000 miles – enough for most commuter flights in the US or Europe. So, has battery chemistry reached yet another previously impossible milestone?

Power Beaming- Phase 3 | USNRL

The Power Transmitted Over Laser (PTROL) project safely and wirelessly transmits energy to a specific receiver. This has been a multi-year project. Phase III demonstrated PTROL is on the path to mount a receiver that’s light enough and powerful enough to be flown on a drone. Power beaming is undetectable by the human eye, quiet, and portable, three features making it amenable to many applications.